The Auckland University of Technology Lab for Cephalopod Ecology and Systematics (ALCES): an introduction to the lab with a highlight on two new bottletail squids (Sepiadariidae: Sepioloidea) from New Zealand.

Jaever M. SantosĀ (Australian Biological Resources Study; Auckland University of Technology). The Auckland University of Technology Lab for Cephalopod Ecology and Systematics (ALCES) is a university lab group based in Auckland, New Zealand. As the name suggests, we research cephalopod ecology and systematics focusing on the diversity of squid in the waters surrounding New Zealand. In […]

The Auckland University of Technology Lab for Cephalopod Ecology and Systematics (ALCES): an introduction to the lab with a highlight on two new bottletail squids (Sepiadariidae: Sepioloidea) from New Zealand. Read More Ā»