ABRS – 50 years of achievements for taxonomy

ABRS - 50 years of achievements for taxonomy

Haylee Crawford-WeaverRoom 1: Cinema

Haylee Crawford-Weaver, Tina Gopalan, Jaever Santos (Australian Biological Resources Study).

The Australian Biological Resources Study was established in December 1973 to stimulate the study of taxonomy of Australia’s “biological resources” and to provide research grant funding and support for taxonomy. ABRS has awarded over $89 million (unadjusted dollar value) for research on taxonomy and systematics of Australian biodiversity since its inception. It has also been a world-leader in development of collating and presenting biodiversity data and names information, via the Flora of Australia, Zoological Catalogue of Australia, and the Australian Faunal Directory. I will provide a short snapshot of the key achievements and highlights of ABRS’s work over the last 50 years.

Haylee Crawford-Weaver: Haylee.Crawford-Weaver@dcceew.gov.au
Fri 6:32 am - 12:00 am
Symposium: 50 years of ABRS
ABRS, Taxonomy
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