Your (Australian) National Species List.

Your (Australian) National Species List.

Endymion CooperRoom 1: Cinema

Endymion Cooper (Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research).

The Australian National Species List (AuNSL) is a unified, nationally accepted, taxonomy for the native and naturalised biota of Australia. It provides a reliable standard reference for recording, exchanging and connecting information about the living things that call Australia home.  As the go-to resource for names and taxonomy for Australia’s unique biodiversity, the AuNSL is an essential foundation for significant national biodiversity data infrastructures including the Atlas of Living Australia, the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, the Biodiversity Data Repository, and the Species Profile and Threats Database. The AuNSL is built from a set of taxon-focussed resources including the Australian Plant Name Index and Australian Plant Census, the Australian Faunal Directory, and similar lists of fungi, lichens and bryophytes. These resources share a common infrastructure, contribute to the single national taxonomy (AuNSL), but retain their independent curation practices and online presentation. The AuNSL is published by the Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) in collaboration with, and on behalf of, the Australian taxonomic research community. Here we present a high-level overview of the infrastructure and tools for building and using this important national resource.

Endymion Cooper:
Fri 7:31 am - 12:00 am
Symposium: Data and biodiversity informatics
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